Your child’s first school experience is important in shaping their perspective
on learning. Thank you for considering Northpoint Cooperative Preschool as an option for your family during this exciting chapter in life.
Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year begins in March!
March 10 | Current Members
March 13 | New Members
- Your child must meet the minimum age requirement for class by 8/31/24. For the 2.5 -3’s class children must turn two by 3/1/24. For Mixed Age, children must turn three by 3/1/24.
- Infants up to 6 months are allowed only in front packs and only in Parent/Child, 2’s, and 2.5-3’s classes, so please plan accordingly.
- Class placements are made on a first come, first-served basis for board members, current members in good standing**, alumni and new members in that priority.
- We make every effort to honor class placement requests, but first choices are NOT guaranteed.
- Notification of class placement will be given before the end of March.
- $70 non-refundable registration fee is due at time of class placement to accept/hold your seat.
- Registration will be live starting at 7 a.m. on the day of registration.
**Good standing is defined as current members who are up to date on tuition payments, fundraising responsibilities, and have at least five Parent Ed credits, and two volunteer hours by registration time.
Current members can access registration via their Jovial family portal.
New members register here:
Questions? Contact [email protected]